Available courses

Telehealth for Peer Work: Making the most of connection

Peer Work is all about the connection. Shared experiences allow people providing support to connect quickly and deeply with those seeking assistance to manage their wellbeing. This is the foundation of trust, a sense of safety and mutuality - it allows the work to be effective and potentially life-changing.When face to face connection is not possible, or the service is via telephone, chat or video link, how can Lived Experience Workforce members maximise connection and engagement? This webinar takes a deep look at the fundamentals of creating connection and engagement and how this might be achieved when the relationship is over telehealth services.Presented by Liz Asser

Project Management in Lived Experience Roles

“Most of us stumble into project management and realise we’re doing it when our project is already underway.”- Liz Asser, Inservice Training Officer, Lived Experience Australia More and more people with lived experience are stepping into and leading projects in the mental health space. While providing a fantastic opportunity to draw upon their lived experience to make a difference in mental health, these project environments can sometimes feel chaotic and unclear. A lack of structure and uncertainty can trigger threat responses, impact wellbeing and hinder people’s ability to deliver much-needed initiatives.The discipline of project management can bring order and clarity to project environments, supporting lived experience workers to feel safe to draw upon their lived experie…

Webinar: Mentoring Lived Experience Workers: Beyond Supervision

Liz Asser and Emily return to explore going beyond supervision in the lived experience (LE) workforce. Supervision is accepted as a means of supporting and building capacity for reflective practice and continuous improvement. LE Expertise is needed at all levels of an organisation. With expectations clearly articulated in policy and funding documents, LE expertise is needed at all levels of an organisation.  So how do we support AND mentor LE Workforce members to become leaders, representatives, and informed contributors at the executive and strategic governance levels? What does LE Governance look like and how do we maintain commitment to the values of what it means to be Peer? Join Liz Asser and Emily Unity to explore the above concepts. Liz Asser's experience in project manag…

Translating Policy into Action Webinar

Lived Experience Frameworks are being created by many organisations as a way of implementing the National Mental Health Commission Lived Experience Workforce Guidelines.How can stakeholders participate in this process and ensure that their voice is heard, and reflected in the actions of the organisation?Join Liz Asser and Emily Unity as they explore these concepts in more detail.Liz Asser's experience in project management and support, and in suicide prevention and mental health service delivery are core to current roles where lived experience expertise are sought to guide design and engage stakeholders.Liz's recent work mentoring Peer Workers to deliver Lived Experience Practice in Community and Public Health settings has led to the establishment of Reflective Practice Mentoring with Pee…

Supporting Peer Workers in your Organisation

Ideally, before employing people who work from their Lived/Living Experience, an organisation has a clear understanding of what Peer Work is and how they can best support employees in these roles.Organisational readiness is a term we give to the foundational preparation of an organisation to recruit, onboard, support and sustain the employment of a Peer Worker. Of course, this may provide a sound basis for ongoing employment, but to be certain of tailoring supports to suit an individual, the conversation is live and ongoing.This webinar will examine some of the proven methods which ensure workforce safety and a sense of job satisfaction.Presented by: Liz Asser, Lived Experience Practitioner, Peer Mentor and Trainer of Mental Health Support Workers Liz is a Lived and Living Experience…

Intersectionality: How to work with the intersection of mental health, culture, religion, and LGBTIQ…

The webinar explores the topic of intersectionality and how it relates to mental health and multicultural and multifaith LGBTQIA+ communities. Participants will be guided to understand intersectionality and its origin, and the mental health impact of experiencing intersecting marginalities on multicultural and multifaith LGBTQIA+ communities.  The webinar uses both personal narratives and case studies to highlight some practical ways for clinicians/practitioners to incorporate an intersectional lens when working with diverse communities.  Hosted by Lived Experience Australia Presented by Budi Sudarto Budi Sudarto (they/he) is the Director of Ananda Training & Consultancy, a boutique agency specialising in intersectionality, inclusion, and justice. Budi came to Australia in 1…

How neuro-diversity can teach trauma informed skills

This Webinar begins with some of the challenges within knowing if we are using ‘trauma informed’ practices and how subjective the experience of ‘trauma’ can be for many people and using a one size fits all approach can be problematic. We briefly touch on the similarities in processing and responses between people who have autism and those who have experienced complex trauma and life changing events. We will also touch on the ‘undiagnosed’ population within mental health services. We will then move on to explore together what are some of the most effective approaches we know, for working with people who have autism. It will then be argued that these easy to understand and apply approaches is actually the ‘gold star’ of trauma informed relationships and approaches. A few min…

Why do we need our services to become 'multilingual' in their frameworks of understanding?

This webinar explores some of the diverse frameworks which people hold and use to explain and live within internal experiences. We will touch on some common reactions when service providers attempt to use a DSM framework to explain their experiences and how this ‘language gap’ can be counter-productive in developing therapeutic relationships and promoting personal recovery. We then delve into some of the common concerns around using the individual’s preferred framework when discussing their experiences/symptoms. From there, we will examine some of the challenges in promoting personal recovery using biomedical approaches (language), if this is not the person’s framework of reference. Finally we will explore some LE stories of personal recovery and how this occurs within the person#8230;

Organisational Readiness for the Carer Lived Experience Workforce

Research shows that a fundamental element for successful establishment of lived experience roles is organisation commitment and action to create an environment where lived experience roles are fully understood, genuinely valued and authorised to operate in line with consumer and family/carer values. This webinar will explore a range of organisational activities that welcome and embed the lived experience workforce including recruitment processes, role descriptions and policies. Discipline specific supervision and training are also required to ensure that the organisation is ready to employ any consumer and family carer role. This includes training for management and other disciplines which can uncover some of the complexities unique to working as a person with lived experience within the …

Intersection of culture and mental health

This webinar presented by Emily Unity explores how the intersection of culture and mental health is often overlooked, how can we be more sensitive to people with a mental illness from diverse cultural backgrounds. 

Emily Unity is a mental health professional and peer worker. They are also a queer, culturally diverse, and neurodiverse young person. Emily is the founder of Multicultural Minds, a platform to raise awareness of multicultural mental health. They have lived experiences of mental health, disability, homelessness, suicide, and being a carer from a refugee/migrant background. They were recently the Mental Health Advocate of the Year, Youth of the Year, and Young Non-Binary Person of the Year.

Trauma Informed Engagement of Lived Experience Representatives

With Healthscope, The Sydney Clinic and Lived Experience Australia

This webinar will explore strategies for engaging your consumer representatives, developing programs and governance considerations. 

We will share strategies to build into your existing programs or for developing a new program using a consistent and supportive framework for staff, consumers and carers with a trauma informed approach.

Incorporating Lived Experience Webinars

This webinar series supports staff, practitioners and hospitals to understand the benefits of, and develop strong consumer and carer inclusion, according to Standard 2. They are also offer great tips for other mental health organisations on how to engage with consumers and carers in service development, delivery and evaluation.

Best Practice in Consumer and Carer Inclusion

0.5 RANZCP CPD points per module or 2.5 CPD points for all 5 modules (Activity code: ED000031) and 5.0 ACMHN CPE points.

These training modules aim to inform and support health professionals, providing practical guidance on how to involve consumers and carers in a meaningful ways into patient centred care models. 

Consumers and Carers are in the unique position of being able to provide valuable information and insight through their lived experience. 

Carer Partnership Standards

These six modules explore each of the partnership standards within the Practical Guide for Working with Carers of People with a Mental Illness. 

Recovery-oriented practice and service delivery recognises the unique role of
personal and family relationships in promoting wellbeing, providing care, and
fostering recovery across the life span, and recognises the needs of families and
support givers themselves. These modules and guide provide an overview of key strategies to support engagement with carers. 

Consumer and Carer: Navigating Dual Lived Experience

When it comes to mental health, there are two types of people who have lived experiences: consumers and carers. Consumers are those who have experienced mental health challenges themselves, while carers are those who have supported someone else with mental health challenges. But what happens when someone identifies as both a consumer and a carer?In this webinar, you will learn:1. The challenges and rewards of living with these dual perspectives.2. The emotional toll of balancing the dual perspectives of consumer and carer.3. Practical tips on how to navigate these dual perspectives and find a balance that works for you.This webinar is for anyone who has experienced mental health issues as both a consumer and carer or is interested in learning more about this complex topic. It will leave y…

The Diagnosis Debate

Have you ever felt like a label defines you? When it comes to mental health, a diagnosis can often come with stigmatising labels that can impact one's sense of self. However, a diagnosis can also bring validation and access to treatment. The diagnosis debate is complex and it’s important to be aware of both the positives and negatives!

This webinar is for anyone who has been diagnosed with a mental health condition or is interested in learning more about the diagnosis debate. It will leave you feeling empowered and informed, with a deeper understanding of the positives and negatives of being diagnosed.

This webinar is presented by Emily Unity

Getting started as a lived experience professional

Join Is Hay and Emily Unity as we explore:• Navigating your own lived experience in non-lived experience employment• How to understand your own story and how to tell it• Finding your niche/purpose – being intentional• The difficulties of working in a field defined by your identities/oppression• Burnout and keeping yourself safeIs Hay is a lived experience worker within the disability, mental health and youth sectors, who has experience writing and delivering workshops, creating accessible workshops, documents and programs as well as actively coordinating programs aimed at young people. Is has specific interests in disability, mental health and education and is also a freelance writer.

How to become a Peer Worker

There are many pathways to becoming a Peer Worker, all of them start with lived experience and the desire to see the wisdom gained used to support another.With an increased demand for Peer Workers to fulfil roles in Public and Community settings, how can a person truly prepare for providing service in a Peer Role? What are the requirements or favoured prerequisites to secure employment? What are employers looking for and how might a potential employee best prepare themselves for success?Each of us has a unique pathway which secured our first Peer role, there are lessons we can share and learn from one another.Presented by: Liz Asser, Lived Experience Practitioner, Peer Mentor and Trainer of Mental Health Support Workers Liz is a Lived and Living Experience Practitioner, which means t…

Writing for Wellbeing

“We should write because it is human nature to write. Writing claims our world. It makes it directly and specifically our own. We should write because humans are spiritual beings and writing is a powerful form of prayer and meditation, connecting us both to our own insights and to a higher and deeper level of inner guidance as well… We should write because writing is good for the soul… We should write, above all, because we are writers whether we call ourselves writers or not.” Julia Cameron The Right to Write. An interactive writing workshop with a difference. An opportunity to connect to self and others through a series of playful, guided writing activities. This is collaborative story-weaving at its’ most innovative. Presented by Rowena Jones, Author and Lived Experience Prac…

Protecting yourself from emotional vulnerability and burnout

Feeling vulnerable and emotionally exposed or taken advantage of in your roles as mental health advocates sadly is a very common experience, and potentially emotionally triggering for many.Add to the emotional triggers a feeling of fatigue and exhaustion and you could have a very dangerous combination of excess mental load topped off with emotional flooding.Terms such as burnout, moral injury, and moral distress are often used to describe distress in clinicians and more broadly health care settings, but what about those that are working alongside clinicians in health and community settings to improve the same systems that clinicians and others work within?Our guest speaker should know, she has experienced first hand the outcome of letting her passion for mental health advocacy become an a…

Spotlight on Young Carers

This webinar discusses young carers (ages from 8- 25) and their unique positioning in our communities as they care for a family member.The webinar is for service providers, schools, carers or anyone interested in learning more about young carers in our communityBringing together a very knowledgeable panel, we explore how we identify and talk about young carers, the impact of being a young carer, the supports and resources available to them, and highlight the need for systemic advocacy for this under-represented yet admirable group of individuals.A “young carer” is a person between 8 – 25yrs who helps support a member of their household who is experiencing a mental health challenge, disability, long term health condition (including a chronic condition or terminal illness), a substanc…

Understanding the roles and types of psychologists

Did you know there are several different types of psychologists in Australia?

Following on from the launch of our national report on consumers’ and carers’ experiences of Psychological Services (https://www.livedexperienceaustralia.com.au/psychology-report), LEA is pleased to bring you this webinar that aims to build understanding of the Roles of Psychologists. 

We are joined by Ms Tamara Cavenett, President of the Australian Psychological Society (APS), Professor Caroline Hunt, President of the Australian Clinical Psychology Association (ACPA) and Professor Sharon Lawn, Executive Director Lived Experience Australia.

Advocacy Skills for Peer Workers Webinar

This webinar provides an overview of key advocacy skills that support peer workers or lived experience workers in their role.

Presented by Darren Jiggins, Lived Experience Australia and Lizzie Graham, LEWP Mental Health Coalition of SA

In this webinar, Darren and Lizzie talk about the application of advocacy skills to the peer work role in the contexts of self-advocacy for the role, advocacy for those we journey alongside and advocating within our organisations for change.

Current and Emerging Peer Worker Webinar

The Peer Workforce is a unique discipline providing a valuable contribution to the mental health sector for consumers and carers.For current and emerging peer workers, we are very pleased to bring you insights from Heather Nowak, one of Australia’s leading advocates in peer workforce design, planning, and training in Certificate IV Mental Health Peer Work.Heather Nowak and Darren Jiggins explore aspects of the Peer Workforce to support you in your crucial role of working with consumers, families and carers with lived experience.

The Power of Mentoring Webinar

In this webinar you are given insights into how to find a mentor, be a great mentor and learn from a mentor as a mentee. This webinar aims to inspire you in your daily lives and give you some new inspiration as we move into a new year. Mentorship builds a strong sense of belonging, non-judgemental guidance, understanding and peer to peer lived experience support. Hosted by Simone Allan NSW Director LEA and Founder of The Mentor Evolution.

Advocacy Skills Videos & Tip Sheets

These five advocacy skills videos and tip sheets provide consumers, families and carers with the skills to advocate for individual and organisational changes in mental health.

Topics covered include:

Looking after yourself

Briefing and debriefing

Keeping the enthusiasm going

Reflection and evaluation

Advocacy and the organisation

Advocacy Skill Builder Webinars

This free webinar series has been created specifically for Consumers and Carers who want to take the next step into advocacy.

Each webinar has a subject matter expert as a guest speaker, as well as our own lived experience facilitator, to help you further develop the skills that are beneficial as an advocate.  

If you are looking to contribute to improvements to mental health services, these webinars will cover these 6 key topics:

Advocacy Top Tips

Looking after yourself

How to be heard

Briefing & debriefing

Keeping the enthusiasm going

Self reflection/self evaluation

Our Connection Webinar Series

This series of recorded webinars aims to support connection during COVID-19 and beyond and is presented by consumers and carers with a lived experience. Lived Experience Australia wants to promote and facilitate connectedness for the mental
health lived experience community especially during these uncertain times. We understand how important and essential a sense of connection with others is to our wellbeing.

LEA Representative Panel Induction Module

This course is only available to registered Lived Experience Australia Representative Panel members.

If you would like to learn more about becoming a lived experience representative on our panel to provide lived experience input into working groups, focus groups, research and interviews to support service design, evaluation and mental health system reform, visit https://livedexperienceaustralia.com.au/rep-panel